SLA Toronto's First Five Years Team is holding their first fall event:
Creating Your Personal Brand
Date: Thursday, October 22nd
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: Lillian H. Smith Library
Information about the event and registering is here.
More information from the SLA website:
wonder how can you raise your profile if you are new to the profession?
Social media is one way to have an impact and get noticed. Join
consultant Connie Crosby as she leads our discussion on how you can
blog, tweet or instagram your way to building a solid reputation as an
information professional.
About Connie Crosby
of Crosby Group Consulting, Connie is a knowledge management consultant
who specializes in information management, library management, social
media, and records management. Connie has been blogging for over a
decade on her own blog and
as a core contributor to the prominent law blog Her book
Effective Blogging for Libraries was part of the award-winning Tech Set
series edited by Ellyssa Kroski and published by ALA/Neal-Schuman in
2010. She co-taught (along with Daniel Lee) the Social Media Engagement
certificate at the iSchool Institute. Connie currently serves as
President of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries and is a
co-organizer of the Toronto KM meetup group Knowledge Workers.
Light refreshments will be provided during the event.
SLA Members and Students - $10
Non-Members - $20
Registration closes Oct. 19th at midnight
If you have any questions, please contact the New Information Professional Coordinator, Jessica Shiers