Saturday, September 26, 2015

Event: General Meeting!

It's that time of year again!

We would like to welcome everyone (back) and invite you to attend the SLA-TSG Annual General Meeting & First Year Co-Chairs election!

Tuesday, September 29th 
4:30-6:00pm in Bissell, Room 728.
Treats will be provided!

At this meeting we will be discussing ideas for potential upcoming events and tours. If there is an organization you would like to visit this year or an activity you would like to see planned, we invite you to come and share your ideas with us.
We will also be selecting two students to act as the First Year Co-Chairs for the 2015-2016 year. Please send Carolyn Pecoskie or Christina Ransom an email at before Tuesday introducing yourself to be nominated with a brief description of your interest in the position.

We hope to see everyone on Tuesday!