Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holiday Social & Call for Volunteers

You’re invited! The SLA Toronto Chapter, the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information Alumni Association (FIAA), Toronto Health Libraries Association (THLA) and Ontario Library Association Special Libraries Committee (OLA-SLC) cordially invite you to this year’s Joint Holiday Social at The Arts and Letters Club. Join friends and colleagues for a fun-filled evening of holiday cheer. A selection of hors d’oeuvres will be provided.

The cost is $15 for students, and the event will be held on December 11 from 6-8 pm at the Arts and Letters Club at 14 Elm Street. Visit for more information and to register for the event.

This year SLA Toronto is organizing a buddy program for students and new members. Students and new members will be paired with an experienced member so they can be introduced to other members at the social. Students can sign up when they register for the Social. It’s a great networking opportunity!

We would also like to let everyone know about a volunteer opportunity with SLA! SLA Toronto has asked SLA-TSG for volunteers to help with an interview project in celebration of the Toronto chapter’s 75th anniversary. Volunteers would need to interview a past president or major contributor to SLA Toronto and write a short piece for the website.

If you’re interested in volunteering, send an email to and we’ll connect you with Christine DeLuca, SLA Toronto’s First Five Years chair.