Another award to bring your attention to:
2011 Joe Ann Clifton Student Award submission
Submissions are now being accepted for the SLA Information Technology Division’s 2011 Joe Ann Clifton Student Award. This award is intended to promote participation in the SLA Annual Conference by an exceptional library science student who has submitted an outstanding paper regarding the use of information technology.
This award provides up to $1,500 to the author to attend the 2011 SLA Annual Conference in order to be recognized at the Information Technology Division’s Business and Award meeting, and in order to present the paper. The winning paper will also be published in the Information Technology quarterly bulletin, b/ITe
In order to receive the award, the author is required to attend the conference and to be present at the division's Business and Award meeting to present the paper. If the paper has more than one author, the authors must split the award. (For example, if there are two authors and both are attending the conference, each author would receive $750.)
This monetary award is to be used to cover the following conference expenses:
- Conference registration (student rate)
- Ticket for the SLA Information Technology Business and Award meeting
- Travel (economy class 30-day advance purchase airfare or mileage cost calculated using the IRS standard business rate)
- Lodging (3 nights maximum)
The award does not cover any meals or other incidental expenses.
After attending the conference, the award winner must submit original receipts and required paperwork to the IT Division Treasurer in order to receive the award.
Submission Requirements:
· The topic of the paper should pertain to the use of information technology. A paper which addresses a topic in a practical rather than a theoretical manner is preferred.
· Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited MLS or MIS program at the time of the award competition. Previous winners are not eligible for the award.
· Entries may be a paper which the applicant has written or is preparing for a class but has not been published. Only one paper per applicant will be accepted.
· IT reserves the right not to award the prize if it is the opinion of the judges that no submission is worthy of the award.
· IT will retain first publication rights of the winning paper.
Submission Deadline
The deadline for submission is Friday, March 18th 2011. E-mail your paper to Shawn Livingston, IT Membership and Awards Chair, at Please include "SLA IT Student Award 2011" in the subject line.
E-mail is preferred (WORD or PDF), but entries may also be mailed to:
Shawn Livingston
William T. Young Library
University of Kentucky
500 South Limestone Street
Lexington, KY 40506-0456
(Phone) 859 257-0500 ext. 2113
Good luck!